Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Jesse is a big animal person, unlike myself, so he's been trying to convince me, ever since we got married, to get a pet. I've refused thus far, but last weekend, we went up to my grandma's house and met two stray kittens that she found in her backyard. After holding one of them and seeing how loveable he was, I agreed to take him home. Jesse chose the name Meow and I think it really suits him.
The day after we brought him home, a coworker of mine, who breeds cats, came over to our house and helped us give him and bath and pick fleas off of him for 1 1/2 hours. The poor guy! He is much happier now that he's not itching all the time. He is a really wonderful, smart cat (especially since I've never really liked cats and always thought them mean animals)! He really likes being held and walks around our feet while we're walking (Jesse has accidently kicked him a few times.) Everyday he is getting braver and explores new areas of the house. We're trying hard to train him to not go on tables and scratch the post we got, instead of the carpet. We are taking him today to get his shots. I kind of wish he could stay a kitty forever, but I know that can't happen.